Sunday, May 30, 2010

From the field.

Tropical depression Agatha made travel interesting. In Tegucigalpa for GPS earthquake fault study for next few weeks across Honduras. Going on field trip w/ UPi univeristy class this morning and gearing up for study in afternoon. Gonna be wet.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

GeoHonduras '10 entries

Entries from January 2010 trip can be found at the above link. I will return to more regular postings to this site in a few days.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A good day for geology in Honduras

Friday was a very good day for "geology" in Honduras. The dedication for the Instituto de Geociencias de Honduras (IGH) was very well attended by the geology community, political dignitaries, business leaders and media. Luis Eveline and Carolina Funes of UPI and Valario Gutierrez of SERNA have generated incredible level of Honduran backing for the geosciences in Honduras.

Heading to field today with students including UPI students (more about them later). Will spend day getting students up to speed on local stratigraphy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

GeoHonduras '10 - The Jurassic Rift

Welcome and join us as we visit Honduras searching for the evidence that the break-up of the Pangaean supercontent in the Jurassic Period occured in this area. We will visit Danli, in SW Honduras where a nearly 1000 meter thick sequence of conglomerate and sandstone strata is the target of our trip. This mass of rock is the correct age and has the correct characteristics to have resulted from deposition of a large river flowing along the axis of a Jurassic-age valley between fault bounded mountains.
We are Dr. Rob Rogers, CSU Stanislaus geologist along with students Kait Barber and Chris Hammond. The flight leaves Wednesday night (Jan. 13th) and we will be posting updates along the way on our 2.5 week long trip.